College FAQ
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1. How many student athletes currently attend the College?
We have a current enrolment of approximately 900 student athletes.
2. What are the College hours of operation?
Office hours are 8am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. Student athletes begin at 9am and finish at 4pm.
3. What are the gender ratios across the College?
Approximately 40% of our current enrolment are female student athletes and approximately 60% are male student athletes.
4. What are the average class sizes at the College?
Our College currently operates with a 1:24 staff to student ratio.
5. What sports do you offer?
Our specialised sport programs include football, rugby league, tennis, netball, basketball and dance.
6. How often and for how long do student athletes participate in sport?
All student athletes participate in 1 to 2 hours of sport every day.
7. Who are the coaches?
Our coaches are fully qualified within our specialised sports programs. The majority of our coaches are full-time employees at the College. They do not substitute as teachers inside the classroom and our teachers do not substitute as coaches outside of the classroom. Each teacher or coach is employed to work in their area of expertise.
8. How is strength and conditioning included as part of the College sport program?
Our strength and conditioning program is a part of all sports programs. The 'TeamBuildr' program enables student athletes to manage their individual needs under the guidance of our fully qualified S & C coaching staff.
9. What do student athletes do during their sport time if they are injured?
Student athletes have access to our onsite physiotherapist who contracts to the College. Our S & C coaching staff supervise the student athlete's rehabilitation during their sport session.
10. Does the College assign homework?
The College does not formally assign homework. Extensive research suggests there is no correlation between academic performance and assigning homework. It is important to note however, that we do support learning at home when necessary, especially when it is led by the student athlete. Student athletes are encouraged to apply themselves to the best of their ability which may require extra preparation and revision outside of normal College hours.
11. What is involved in the Outdoor Education program?
One week each term is dedicated to outdoor education activities and experiences for all student athletes and can feature hikes and overnight camps. The Duke of Edinburgh Award is also included for our Year 9 student athletes. All outdoor education is designed in collaboration with our academic team so that the curriculum is connected.
12. What is the Leader in Me program that you provide for the students?
Leader in Me (LIM) is a K-12 program that empowers student athletes to make choices to lead and to set an example for others to follow. LIM is a program that develops every student athlete to be life-ready leaders and to make a difference within their community.